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A Jag Mega Demo, It's Possible ?

GT Turbo

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With the Jag CF, we can easily deal any programs for the Jag, even people who haven't got Bjl Jag can launch it, so after the TNG team, that's SebRmv (Removers) who has done a little demo for the Jag, so one question, do you think a mega demo on Jag it's possible ?


Which crew or people will be ok for writing a screen for it ?


This is only a question for seeing if they have enough people on the Jag scene for doing one mega demo




GT :poulpe:

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  • 1 month later...
if you plan one, I want to participate !

me too of course :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I like to help but I am not even a newbie with coding on the jag...


by the way, I heard you were coding a game, is it true?

when will you release it?

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