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Alternative to serial port?


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Hi, I was wondering if there were an alternative to using a serial port for transferring data via Matthias' cd encryption disk? I pm'ed him to ask if something like this would work. Unkown, though. Have any of you programming gurus ever tried this? If not, could it be done?


Any info is appreciated. I'm practicing w/ the encryption but none of my computers have the devices/ports necessary to use what's available. The old towers are almost impossible to find where I'm at. B)

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There is a version that use the skunboard interface :




Sorry, I think it was somonelse that has a skunkboard :P


I think that Orion_ use another way : maybe with BJL.

Maybe in his JagCD dev pack : http://onorisoft.free.fr/rdl.php?url=jag/jagcddevpack.zip


Else there is another solution by using JiFFi to produced the JagCD directly on the PC (only for BJL type application) :


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There is a version that use the skunboard interface :




Sorry, I think it was somonelse that has a skunkboard :P


I think that Orion_ use another way : maybe with BJL.

Maybe in his JagCD dev pack : http://onorisoft.free.fr/rdl.php?url=jag/jagcddevpack.zip


Else there is another solution by using JiFFi to produced the JagCD directly on the PC (only for BJL type application) :


Wow, that's so simple (will know soon enough anyway). Thanks for the link :)

Jeeze, out of all the searches and different criteria used, I wonder why that page never popped up for me. I thought I'd read everything on the Reboot site thoroughly enough in the past anyway. Don't know why I missed this.



The USB -> serial port adapter should work.


Or you can use Orion's version of Matthias' CD encryption program, which use the BJL cable. It's in the ZIP file SCPCD mentioned above, in the CDEncrypt folder. But you need a PC with a built-in parallel port for that.

If the USB/serial adapter works do you think that would require setting up a COM Port in BIOS? Sorry, I don't remember all the specifics from back when I had a Windows 98 computer set up 9 years ago but I do recall that small bit of info. I'll order the adapter and see what happens but it would be nice to have the confidence of tested, updated peripherals for more modern hardware. Even if we had to install or dual boot into XP to keep it working (like 20 yrs from now).. I have a Windows 98 disk and several 3-5 GB hard drives formatted to FAT32 but finding drivers would probably be a bit of a stretch.

Anyway, thanks for the info! :)

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USB serial ports are not visible in the BIOS, only in Windows.


You should be able to use the method explained here even with current Windows versions, except :

- MAKETRK.EXE and PADCD.COM may not run directly under Windows. You can use DOSBox to run them.

- Windows Vista and above no longer include HyperTerminal, but you can use TeraTerm instead.

- The USB serial port will probably have a different name (i.e. COM3 instead of COM1).


I don't know if anybody actually tested it. Maybe Matthias Domin knows? I know he visits AtariAge and Jagware from time to time.

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USB serial ports are not visible in the BIOS, only in Windows.


You should be able to use the method explained here even with current Windows versions, except :

- MAKETRK.EXE and PADCD.COM may not run directly under Windows. You can use DOSBox to run them.


If necessary someone could recreate these tools easily.


- Windows Vista and above no longer include HyperTerminal, but you can use TeraTerm instead.


Yeah, that's the problem, there was no standard program anymore, so i kept the old HyperTerminal screenshots as a reference.



- The USB serial port will probably have a different name (i.e. COM3 instead of COM1).


You might be able to change the COM-port number in the driver's .INF file or the Registry (or whereever it is stored nowadays). But the COM-port number should be irrelevant because a good Terminal-software should enumerate all possible ports and not just 1-n.


I don't know if anybody actually tested it. Maybe Matthias Domin knows?


No, sorry.


I know he visits AtariAge and Jagware from time to time.


That's right ;) But sometimes i forget the Username/Password combo for Jagware...





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my jagcd dev pack contain a Win32 replacement for MAKETRK (and padcd is a bit useless imo)

you have everything to create cd for jaguar in my jagcd dev pack ! :P (cdrecord, jagcd lib, cinepak, cd encryption, maketrk, etc...)

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That's right ;) But sometimes i forget the Username/Password combo for Jagware...





Hello Matthias :)


Just send an email to admin -at- jagware -dot- org, we will be happy to help :)



GT :flowers:

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