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Atomic Reloaded


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Disponibilité immédiate d'Atomic Reloaded.

(marre que ça traine sur mon disque dur :D )


Rendez-vous sur http://removers.atari.org/softs/download.php




just a quick word to announce the immediate availability of Atomic Reloaded.

(was fed up to see it on my hard disk)


Just go on http://removers.atari.org/softs/download.php

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Guest promethea
Hey seb. Good work, I really like atomic :).


Me too, it's a great packer!!!


Oh wait... I meant the game! The ST version had a crap IKBD rout that could register false movements, thus ruining your solution :/. Great to see it on the Jaggy!

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I spent lots of time travelling by train and playing katomic, and I actually loved it.


That's how I got the idea to port it onto the Jaguar in 2006 as I thought it would be a very good "first try" program.


The Reloaded version shares absolutely no code with the previous version. It is entirely written in C using my library.

(well except for the plasma... and the hidden/final screen ;))

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Some screenshots here: http://removers.free.fr/atomic

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Sympa :)


Quelques p'tites remarques :


- du JPG aurait suffi, ça va plus vite à charger

- utiliser les images d'origine comme vignette, c'est pââââs bien :P

- lier la vignette à la version 1:1 de l'image pour qu'on puisse cliquer dessus, c'est bien :)


Good points. Just added the thumbnails thus...

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