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Jaguar CD development


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I bring you a set of tools and sources code for Jaguar CD development !

Including CD encryption tool, CD record tool, CD Make track tool, CD File system, Jaguar CD library (data/FS/audio), Memory Track library, and Cinepak Movie Player module !

Now you don't have any excuse to not use the Jaguar CD to it's full potential, and not just for BJL game loading ;p


See the tools section of my jaguar page:



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I bring you a set of tools and sources code for Jaguar CD development !

Including CD encryption tool, CD record tool, CD Make track tool, CD File system, Jaguar CD library (data/FS/audio), Memory Track library, and Cinepak Movie Player module !

Now you don't have any excuse to not use the Jaguar CD to it's full potential, and not just for BJL game loading ;p


See the tools section of my jaguar page:


I don't found the files on the site and I'm sure to see it the over day :blink:



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I released a new version of the Cinepak Player module, it now allow you to have 22kHz 16bits Stereo Audio !!

with the same data rate as the old 8bits mono audio stream, thanks to the IMA ADPCM codec ! (which encode 16bits samples into 4bits, allowing stereo)

The DSP code include a Stereo IMA decoder, and I also modified the player's input so you don't have to provide an OPlist anymore, just a_vdb/a_vde values (to avoid re-doing the video init), It will make its own OPlist from that.

There is a special tool provided (made by Zerosquare and me), to encode your AVI audio stream to IMA audio stream.

Your input AVI needs to have a PCM 22kHz 16bits Stereo Audio stream, then convert it using the provided "avi_ima_encode" tool.

Then just drag and drop this new avi into Jagmod's tool.

This module player is only compatible with IMA audio stream ! (else we would need to modifie jagmod's tool to include a special ADSC chunk to tells it's ima instead of raw)

same link: http://onorisoft.free.fr/jag/jag.htm#Tools


Full source included, as well as the original player source (if you want to hack it yourself :P)


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