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ggn last won the day on January 22 2023

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  1. Hello, Me and a few friends are thinking about initiating a project to make a batch of mice for the ST, Amiga and Jaguar. But instead of making an adapter and selling it, we thought we'd simplify things a bit: What we are planning to do is to buy a batch of PS/2 optical mice, removing the PS/2 cord, inserting the adapter logic inside the mouse, and installing a standard 9-pin cord. In our opinion, this makes for a neater solution than having 2-3 adapters in order to get to the computer's port. The mice we're thinking of using are Logitech optical PS/2 like these: (the actual model is subject to change, it will depend on the actual quantity we will want to buy and also the source). The design we're going to use is this, but with the difference of using a better firmware, which gives smoother movement. If you're aware of this design, you'll know that there is a way to have a selector switch for ST/Amiga, but we decided that in order to keep things as simple as possible, we'll hardwire either one or the other. Also, since an ST mouse can be wired to be used for the Jaguar, we can also make mice with a 15 D-SUB end, ready to be plugged in. What we'd like from people would be initially to see if there's interest in this. We'd like you to just express your interest and how many devices you would like. This is because we cannot estimate the price (it will depend on a few factors). But we would like to gauge interest in this. After a couple of weeks, we'll count the number of devices people would be willing to buy and announce the price (we hope to keep it low, we're not in it for the money). So that's what this is all about. Any people interested? Please reply below stating how many devices you would like and of what type (ST/Amiga/Jaguar). Also, feel free to ask questions, we'll be more than happy to reply!
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