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Questions: Graphic Defaults And Restrictions


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Since I'm pretty new to the whole homebrew scene, my technical knowledge of the Jag's hardware is pretty minimal. SO my question is, what are the limitations on the jag Sprite wise? How many sprites per scan line, how many colors per palette and more importantly how much memory is generally allocated for sprite usage? (meaning.. how big can a sprite be (tiling or not) and how many sprites can be loaded at a time?). I just got my Jag BJL capable and built a cable so I wanna begin to experiment :) Thanks in advance!

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what are the limitations on the jag Sprite wise?

the only limitation on the jag is the bandwidth and the memory size (2MByte).

How many sprites per scan line

only limited by the bandwith of the jag's memory.

how many colors per palette

the jag can draw 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 24-bit sprite, for 1,2, 4 and 8 it uses a color palette.

more importantly how much memory is generally allocated for sprite usage? (meaning.. how big can a sprite be (tiling or not) and how many sprites can be loaded at a time?).

It's possible to draw easily (so with a not complex sprite engine) 5 full screen sprites (320x240x16-bit) by VBL. (but highest sprite is possible, see the Hi-rez demo)

It's easy to draw >100 sprites 32x32x16bit by VBL.



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