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Hello everyone! Just trying to blit an image from on location to another and i have that working without issues, however is there such a way to allow the blitter to only copy the data as if the transparency flag were set (ignoring color 0,0,0) so that the image could be copied over to the original but not show the background?


Im esentially blitting a sprite to a larger bitmap and i'm having issues with the source image containing the black background still and when blitting this transfers over onto the destination bitmap.


Was curious if there was some option that was supposed to be set at the time of blitting to achieve this?

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here is what i do when i blitt the char-set letters into the canvas:


  ; set up for transparent blit!!!
    moveq.l  #0,d0
    move.l  d0,B_PATD ; Isn't B_PATD a WORD-register? Or a PHRASE?
    move.l  #0,d0
    move.l  d0,B_PATD+4; Isn't B_PATD a WORD-register? Or a PHRASE?


For complete overwritting, i simply leave out the setting of B_PATD and the DCOMPEN-flag.



Kind regards


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here is what i do when i blitt the char-set letters into the canvas:


 ; set up for transparent blit!!!
    moveq.l  #0,d0
    move.l  d0,B_PATD; Isn't B_PATD a WORD-register? Or a PHRASE?
    move.l  #0,d0
    move.l  d0,B_PATD+4; Isn't B_PATD a WORD-register? Or a PHRASE?


For complete overwritting, i simply leave out the setting of B_PATD and the DCOMPEN-flag.



Kind regards





Thank you very much for the information. i knew there were a few simple flags i had been missing for the transparent blit. Thanks again for such a prompt response. :)


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here is what i do when i blitt the char-set letters into the canvas:


 ; set up for transparent blit!!!
    moveq.l  #0,d0
    move.l  d0,B_PATD; Isn't B_PATD a WORD-register? Or a PHRASE?
    move.l  #0,d0
    move.l  d0,B_PATD+4; Isn't B_PATD a WORD-register? Or a PHRASE?


For complete overwritting, i simply leave out the setting of B_PATD and the DCOMPEN-flag.



Kind regards





Thank you very much for the information. i knew there were a few simple flags i had been missing for the transparent blit.


Thanks again for such a prompt response. :)


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