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Cyrano Jones

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Posts posted by Cyrano Jones

  1. 10 years later....


    I just had a need to use this, nice port by GT, but here's a faster version based on his code:

    A_zero	.equr	r0
    A_one	.equr	r1
    A_two	.equr	r2
    D_zero	.equr	r3
    D_one	.equr	r4
    D_two	.equr	r5
    D_three	.equr	r6
    D_four	.equr	r7
    Reg_temp	.equr	r8
    LT	.ccdef	%11000
    ; *****************************************************************
    	movei	#loadtag,r20
    	movei	#literal,r21
    	movei	#search,r22
    	movei	#break,r23
    	movei	#$ff0f,r24		; And masque 
    	movei	#Params,r25
    	movei	#$f02114,r26		; Gpu Control reg
    	movei	#$f03fff,r27
    ; *****************************************************************
    	load	(r25),A_zero
    	addq	#4,r25
    	load	(r25),A_one
    ; *****************************************************************
    	addq	#4,A_zero
    	jump	(r20)	; loadtag=r20
    	loadb	(A_zero),D_zero
    ; *****************************************************************
    	REPT	8
    	loadb	(A_zero),Reg_temp
    	addq	#1,A_zero
    	storeb	Reg_temp,(A_one)
    	addq	#1,A_one
    ; *****************************************************************
    	loadb	(A_zero),D_zero
    	cmpq	#0,D_zero
    	jump	EQ,(r21)	; literal=r21
    	addq	#1,A_zero
    ; *****************************************************************
    	moveq	#8-1,D_one
    	shlq	#1,D_zero
    	btst	#8,D_zero	
    	jr		NE,compressed
    	loadb	(A_zero),Reg_temp
    	storeb	Reg_temp,(A_one)
    	subq	#1,D_one
    	addqt	#1,A_zero
    	jr		PL,search
    	addqt	#1,A_one
    	jump	(r20)	; loadtag=r20
    	loadb	(A_zero),D_zero
    ; *****************************************************************
    	loadb	(A_zero),D_two
    	cmpq	#0,D_two
    	jump	EQ,(r23)	; break=r23
    	moveq	#$f,D_three	
    	addq	#1,A_zero
    	and		D_two,D_three
    	shlq	#4,D_two	
    	loadb	(A_zero),D_four
    	and		r24,D_two
    	addq	#1,A_zero
    	or		D_four,D_two
    	move	A_one,A_two	
    	subq	#1,D_three
    	sub		D_two,A_two
    	loadb	(A_two),Reg_temp
    	storeb	Reg_temp,(A_one)
    	addq	#1,A_two
    	addq	#1,A_one
    	subq	#1,D_three
    	jr		PL,Boucle_main		
    	loadb	(A_two),Reg_temp
    	loadb	(A_two),Reg_temp
    	addq	#1,A_two
    	storeb	Reg_temp,(A_one)
    	addq	#1,A_one
    	loadb	(A_two),Reg_temp
    	addq	#1,A_two
    	storeb	Reg_temp,(A_one)
    	subq	#1,D_one
    	jump	PL,(r22)	; search=r22
    	addq	#1,A_one
    	jump	(r20)	; loadtag=r20		
    	loadb	(A_zero),D_zero
    ; *****************************************************************
    	moveq	#0,r0	; pour stopper le gpu
    	store	r0,(r26)	; stop le gpu
    GPU_a0:	dc.l	0
    GPU_a1:	dc.l	0
  2. OK, so you've tried RAPTOR Basic, and it's a nice step into the strange world of Jaguar development, and while it is perfect for beginners, it's a little slow for all you master BASIC guys out there more used to the likes of GFA and other more modern versions of the language.

    Here is RAPTOR Basic+ - a compiled, high speed BASIC development environment based around BCX. Some of the RAPTOR Basic examples have been rebuilt in RAPTOR Basic+ and they now fly instead of crawling. We'll try and build on these in the coming weeks and months.

    RAPTOR Basic and RAPTOR Basic+ will both continue to be worked on as they offer different levels of entry into the wonderful world of home brew coding on the Jaguar. They will keep the same revision numbers as commands and functions get added to both.


    The latest version of RAPTOR Basic+ can be found here:


    Ver 0.1.8 - http://reboot.atari.org/new-rebo…/…/RAPTOR_Basic+_v0.1.8.zip


    Note: RBasic+ contains a 64bit version of VirtualJaguar - for all you people hanging on to crusty revisions of windows, replace it with the 32bit version.


  3. Well, after nearly 4 years of procrastination, excitement, apathy and enthusiasm, here it finally is, as promised:


    RAPTOR v2014.11.29


    Included in the zipfile:



    - RAPTOR default fonts (Thanks Atari ST ROM!)

    - RAPTOR approved logos

    - RAPTOR Manual (PDF)

    - RAPTOR.O



    - Multiple examples describing the functions starting with "Hello World" and ending with a full game

    - Rocks Off! - Full source code for our game, converted to use the .O file


    U235Se v0.21

    - U-235 SoundEngine folder


    The file is currently hosted on the D-Bug server, I'm hoping to update the Reboot website shortly.


    Enjoy, and happy coding everyone! Early Merry Xmas from REBOOT.



  4. Without trying to cross any lines, is there a way to encrypt a previously unencrypted disk data without the original files? Also without the tools or knowledge of hacking because I don't know jack about that.


    If the disc is in the correct format (multisession, CD audio for session 1, track 1 - then a boot loader on session 2 track 1 followed by the tracks) then yes.


    You can rip all the tracks in RAW mode, then create the security track, append it to the end of session 2, and reburn it.


  5. Is it possible to disable the splash? Or perhaps use a custom one?


    Yes to both, but we'd have to re-create the custom image that the binary is injected into. ULS2.0 is 'on my plate' which will allow multiple binaries, a sort-of filesystem, and optional splash screens, but atm I really don't have the time to look into this.

  6. What are the (known) differences between these tools and madmac/aln ?


    RMAC/RLN mostly work, and when they don't - Shamus fixes them. The originals (and SMAC and SLN) are really, really broken. Especially in GPU areas.


    Ok, so basically, is it ok to assume that RMAC/RLN are compatible with MadMac/ALN, but have fewer bugs?

    (the question is: can I switch to these tools without fearing that some of my old sources won't compile/link/work...)


    No. Yes. Probably ;)


    These days they are pretty stable. however I've hit a few compatibility issues (which Shamus has fixed). It's kind of odd how bugs get found when people actually make stuff. No wonder Subqmod gave up during 'the dark decade' lol.


  7. Instead of doing a forum and since all Jaguar-related Facebook pages are essentially dead, I've created one based around the idea of keeping it current and regularly updated with interesting tidbits. Naturally this is no where or by any means a replacement for JSII and it's really only good for news but I would think Jagware would be the ideal place for Jaguar people to go for topics and such not. At least, it makes sense in my head.


    Anyway, for those who have facebook and are interested: www.facebook.com/AtariJaguar64


    All the best! :D


    Unfortunately, the biggest reason for the split in the community has also found your page, aka Kizzy Kieren 'cut n paste' make up shit and cause trouble bullshit the Liard Hawken.


    I wish you all the best tho.

  8. Eleven years or more is a short time for you? I like how I "have an attitude" whereas you completely ignored the question just to threaten me.


    No, I was pointing out that if you continue to make accusations about other forums and attempt to stir up trouble, you won't last much longer. I stand by that.


    The rest of your reply proves that, yes, indeed, you do have an attitude. Forum admins have been notified. If you have a gripe about AA, JS2 or anywhere else, keep it to yourself.


    In regard to JS2, there is a message on the log in screen. Try reading it?

  9. I have a chance to make an RPG for the 2600. If I restrict it to 32k then I can let someone else deal with publishing. If I self publish I can buy 256k ROM carts and really go big with level data, music, hi res screens etc.. However, I have no experience publishing. Doesn't seem like the fun part of releasing a game.


    Do I pare down my game design until it fits into 32k or go big and deal with packaging, manuals, order processing, etc..



    My advice would be to make the game first. Make it how you want it. Don't compromise on anything until you have to, and have fun with the game making part. And once it's done - then you can make these decisions much more easily.

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