History & Changes to Jaguar Server Shell & JagOS...
1.08 - Released 960219
     - Now it should be impossible to hang the Server software.
       Pressing ALT-HELP _when locked_ should get you back in control.
       If it is not locked, you will get a screendump as usual.
     - New DC.W function - User Exec.
       After uploading a Jaguar program, it's possible to
       communicate with the Jaguar using your own routines and
       do client/server things. Look into the COMS folder or take
       a look at cartridg.txt in the TECH folder for more info.
       Also look at the textfile JagOS.TXT in the DOC folder.
     - JagOS now contains some callable user functions such as
       reading the computer keyboard, abort polling and asking
       for JagOS version number. 
       See KEYB.S on how to do it with a call to JagOS.
     - Jaguar EPROM from $E00000-$E1FFFF are now treated as 8-bit
       ROM instead of previous incorrect 32-bit ROM (cartridge).
       For this to work, you must read from $E00000 and no longer
       than $E1FCFF because of Jaguar Server I/O register space.
     - Beginning of header ('JAGR' or 'JAGL') _must_ be found
       within the first 1024 bytes of the JAG program.
     - Now remembers the last file loaded or saved in the fileselector.
     - When you got a 'Out of memory' message and clicked ok,
       you got bombs and a crash... Fixed now.
1.07 - Released 960101
     - Upload speed boosted to around 131 Kbytes/S with 16Mhz
       (Around 25%).
     - Function 9 (Clear memory) is _MUCH_ faster now.
     - Fixed 'Path' problem within Jaguar Server Software.
     - Better 'Restart' code when pressing button.
     - Some code removed - File are now somewhat smaller than 1.06.
1.06 - Released 951029
     - Falcon 030 communication bug is fixed.
     - Now you get a error message when JAGOS.BIN can't be found.
     - Added display of xxx KB/second transfer rate when uploading.
     - Fixed an awful Falcon screen redraw problem.
     - If a write error occurred when dumping Jaguar memory, the
       Shell would still continue to download after 'OK' was
       pressed. This is fixed now.
     - Now possible to Download EEPROM (128 bytes from cartridge)
       to a file.
1.05 - Released 950714
     - Better code to make sure that nothing can happen when the user
       clicks on buttons even when the Jaguar suddenly is turned of
       or the resetbutton is pressed.
       Note : After a powerup or reset, it takes about 1 sec before
              the Jaguar can respond to _any_ commands from the shell.
              This has to do with the Jaguars construction.
     - Problems with the main dialog box not redrawing when exiting
       from the 'Info' box on the Falcon.
       So I changed the redraw code to work on the Falcon.
     - Also fixed a redraw problem when using the TOS fileselector.
       I always uses the UIS III selector, so I didn't notice...
1.04 - Released 950713
     - It's now possible to download memory from the Jaguar. The whole
       16MB address space are available for download to a file.
       Select a FROM and a TO address.
       Example: From $0 to $FF downloads _256_ bytes beginning at address
     - The Shell are now printing Destination, Length and Start in the
       upload box.		
     - Added a Clear Jaguar Memory function. This is good if you for
       some reason want to have a clear memory of zeros before or after
       uploading code/data. This saves time, as you now don't have to
       upload these 'BSS' (ds.?) zeroes anymore...
       Look at the example file "STAND3.S".
     - Added a function 65535 so that the shell can be sure that it's
       really at the end of the *.JAG program/data. This is only useful
       if you only want to upload data without running as this prevents
       the shell from interpreting possible trash bytes at the end of
       the file as Jaguar functions.
     - Header functions 2,3,7,9 and 65535 can now be inserted anywhere
       in any order that makes sense after the 'JAGR' or 'JAGL' strings.
     - The Shell now checks for illegal JagOS function calls in the
       header. Currently in the Shell/JagOS version 1.04 the functions
       2,3,7,9 and 65535 are legal.
       If you get a error message when uploading then you probably
       need a newer Jaguar Server Shell that has been updated with
       the function generating the error or the error is simply saying
       that something is wrong with your program header.
     - The Shell now runs if the Jaguar is turned off or the Jaguar
       Server Hardware is not present. Only the 'RESTART' button is
       then available.
1.03 - Released 950626
     - If the standard Jaguar header (JagOS 2 & 3) contains 'JAGL'
       instead of 'JAGR' the next 'dc.' statement containing the function
       number (2 or 3) will be a LONG instead of WORD.
       This is because the Lattice C 5.xx linker pads a word, thus
       the resulting .JAG program will not always be right aligned
       using phase and dphase. 
     - Length of file in the JagOs 2 & 3 call in the files STAND2.S
       and STAND3.S are always calculated with the c_end-c_start formula.
       Now it's possible to just write 'dc.l 0' if the file length is
       unknown at the assembling stage.
       The Jaguar Server shell will then send the prg/data from c_start
       to the _end of file_. This is good if you are linking with
       several source files for example.
       Most assemblers adds a LONG at the end of file, so uploaded file
       can be bigger than your program/data actually is...
       NOTE: This feature used with JagOS function 2 will send the
       startfunction 7 at the end of the file as data, and your program
       will only be uploaded, and not run! So, best is to use it with
       the JagOS 3 call. 
     - Now has an internal .RSC file for faster loading.
1.02 - Released 950611
     - Small bug fixed so the Jaguar & Computer more seldom will go out
       of 'sync'. This bug caused the Jaguar & Shell to hang. BUT it
       is still possible to hang sometimes! Don't know why yet :-( 
     - JagOS version (file JAGOS.BIN) can now also be seen by
       clicking on it from the Desktop.
     - By adding a -Q at the end of the command line the shell will
       quit right after the upload of the program is done. This is
       good when you are running it from an assembler and want to get
       back as fast as possible.
     - The file JAGOS.BIN are now uploaded only when it is not present
       in Jaguar RAM. Before it was always uploaded, even if it wasn't
1.01 - Released 950514
     - First 'public' version.
     - Optimized JagOS Download code & Shell Upload code.
     - Max transfer with a 16 MHz Atari - 108 KB/Second.
     - Upload time is displayed in the left corner as 200 Hz 'ticks'.
1.00 - Released 9504??
     - The first 'stable' version only running from EPROM.