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GT Turbo

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still no "buy" page on the official site, ...


Yeah, sorry. I didn't install the page with ordering information as i haven't completed the negotation with a US-vendor by now.

But the conditions will be similar to those for DoubleFeature#1, and if you look at the DF#1-page, it just says "for a purchase from Matthias directly: email him." (or send me a PM) anyways. ;)



... I wonder how much the cartridge version will cost


Cartridge will be about 60 Euro, plus shipping.


Kind regards



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still no "buy" page on the official site, ...


Yeah, sorry. I didn't install the page with ordering information as i haven't completed the negotation with a US-vendor by now.

But the conditions will be similar to those for DoubleFeature#1, and if you look at the DF#1-page, it just says "for a purchase from Matthias directly: email him." (or send me a PM) anyways. ;)


Just have put the page with ordering info for the Impulse X CD online.



To those who already have the game:

Please don't be shy, post your webcodes with your scores!


Kind regards


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I won a copy of the CD version of this game at Silly Venture 2012 (for my 2nd place of the game compo, which I entered Elansar jaguar demo)

The packaging is gorgeous !

I have to repair my jagcd to try this game as quick as possible ! :)



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I won a copy of the CD version of this game at Silly Venture 2012 (for my 2nd place of the game compo, which I entered Elansar jaguar demo)

The packaging is gorgeous !


Glad to hear that you like my product :)


Also great to hear who won one of the 2 copies i had sent towards Gdansk!


Kind regards



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  • 10 months later...



i am sorry for the delay of the cartridge version of Impulse X, but i am happy to tell you that i have started assembling the PCBs for the cartridges. :)


The release will happen during the Euro-Jagfest 2013.


Kind regards



PS: Attached is a photo showing some of the Impulse X Eproms.



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Today i have put labels on a first pile of Impulse X cartridges, see attached photo.


Kind regards



This looks really great!


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



just a few days ago i have uploaded the webpage with ordering info for the cartridge version of Impulse X.


The game can either be purchased from me (Germany), 16/32 sytems in the United Kingdom or Console5.com in USA.


Meanwhile (after the official release last weekend during Euro-Jagfest) i have tried to get in contact with (almost) all of you who asked to get on my Excel-list to get the cartridge reserved.


@Those who got an entry on that list confirmed:

Please get in contact with me if you are still interested purchasing it from me or if you already have bought it from one of the said vendors. Thanks in advance!


Best regards


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello all!


If you own the CD-version of Impulse X and a MemoryTrack (and some cables, a Windows-PC,..) you can now read up some info on how to make backups of your "Selfcreated Levels" and how to restore them on your MemoryTrack:



So you can also start to exchange your level set MT-files with other Impulse X users now :)


Kind regards


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Hello all!


If you own the CD-version of Impulse X and a MemoryTrack (and some cables, a Windows-PC,..) you can now read up some info on how to make backups of your "Selfcreated Levels" and how to restore them on your MemoryTrack:



So you can also start to exchange your level set MT-files with other Impulse X users now :)


Kind regards



The link is broken, has the classic AA "..." in the middle. I'm guessing an AA post appeared some moments before this one :D

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