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Jaguar Image Converter


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I am proud to announce that I have finally managed to compile a version of my Jaguar Image Converter for Windows XP and Linux which does not require additionnal packages or softwares to be installed :yes:


You can find the binaries there:





Enjoy !




PS: for other binary release, please contact me...

PPS: under windows, you do not need to install cygwin, you just need to have the file cygwin1.dll which is included in the package I have made :D

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That will be very useful ! Thanks !


(I won't say anything about the binary being more than 1 Mb in size... :lol: I know it's not your fault :) )


Yes, that's the price to pay when statically linking all the libraries you need...




PS: by the way, what about the documentation of the video registers :P ?

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Yes, that's the price to pay when statically linking all the libraries you need...
Just to make sure : I was aware of that ; it was a snide comment because of my dislike for software bloat, I don't doubt the usefulness of your program or your coding abilities :hug: And I'm convinced coders can use whatever software they're comfortable with as long as the job gets done :)


PS: by the way, what about the documentation of the video registers :P ?
I've replied here, in order not to hijack your topic.
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Yes, I agree but those who own a PC running XP have a big harddisk :D


By the way, just to add that if you have any question about how to use my converter, please ask :)



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Will you make a GUI version for Windows aswell ?


Currently I use Paint shop Pro and Artwork or Adobe Photoshop elements with an convertor that converts the color table to clut.


Your tool seems to be nice, but I like GUI tools better...

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no, sorry, there won't be a gui version. I think it is easier to use as a command line tool, particularly if you mechanize the calls in a Makefile.


By the way, the image formats usable are (should be)


(not that TGA format is not supported in particular)



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  • 3 weeks later...


Can this converter take a CLUT as input?

This would be usefull to convert several pictures to 8bit (4bit, 2bit or 1bit) all sharing the same CLUT (in the same order).

Best regards



No, this is a missing feature.


But you can convert CLUT based image with it (it generates then two files: a file containing the CLUT and a file containing the MAP). So, if the test case you mentionned, it will generate several time the same CLUT file.

(use -clut to generate 8 bits and in addition -opt-clut to generate the optimal depth (1 bit, 2 bits or 4 bits if possible)



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no, sorry, there won't be a gui version. I think it is easier to use as a command line tool, particularly if you mechanize the calls in a Makefile.
oh! btw, I forgot to mention that here, but after sumitting the idea to Seb, I plan to hack a small GUI with VB6. That will be my first coding task for Jagware ;)
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No, this is a missing feature.


But you can convert CLUT based image with it (it generates then two files: a file containing the CLUT and a file containing the MAP). So, if the test case you mentionned, it will generate several time the same CLUT file.

(use -clut to generate 8 bits and in addition -opt-clut to generate the optimal depth (1 bit, 2 bits or 4 bits if possible)



Hmm, but i am lost if do have 24bit-pictures as the source, right?



But let me try another trick:

Could your tool convert a 16bit-CRY picture (with only up to 256 colours) to a 8bit BMP-file?





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Hmm, but i am lost if do have 24bit-pictures as the source, right?

But let me try another trick:

Could your tool convert a 16bit-CRY picture (with only up to 256 colours) to a 8bit BMP-file?




no, my tool is not smart enough (at least for the moment) :P

if you want to generate 8 bit bitmaps (or less), your source image should be clut based (so 8 bit or less) ;)


and second precision: my tool converts bmp, gif, jpg, whatever to cry or rgb file not the converse

(this is a replacement for tga2cry thus)

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well.. I wanted to ask... what does that CLUT means actually? :unsure:


I started this morning working back on this GUI starting from an old school exercice in VB6. It displays previews for JPG, GIF and BMP files (quite easy, the LoadPicture() function in VB performs nearly everything :whistling: )


I think havin a preview of TGA files will be borring to do with VB (when you get out of standard tracks...) so I'll just start with a bare selector and a few buttons :P



Mettez-moi au parfum, ça veut dire quoi CLUT ? :unsure:


J'ai commencé tôt ce matin à reprendre un exercice en VB6 que j'avais fait à l'école... Ca faisait des preview d'images JPG, GIF et BMP (assez fastoche, la fonction LoadPicture() de VB fait ça toute seule :whistling:)


Bon, je pense que la fonction de preview TGA va être chiante à faire en VB (dés qu'on sort des sentiers battus...) donc je vais d'abord me contenter d'un sélécteur et de quelques bouttons :P

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  • 3 weeks later...


Thanks Zerosquare!


Will you make a GUI version for Windows aswell ?

Your tool seems to be nice, but I like GUI tools better...

Available soon! :yes: I've finished to code the Image Converter GUI in VB6. It is currently being beta tested by Seb. When validated, this will be available on the Removers' web site.




Merci Zerosquare!


Will you make a GUI version for Windows aswell ?

Your tool seems to be nice, but I like GUI tools better...

Oui! Disponible très prochaînement! :yes: J'ai fini de coder l'interface utilisateur en VB6 pour le Jaguar Image Converter. Seb est en ce moment en train de la tester. Quand j'aurai son feu vert, ça ira en téléchargement sur le site des Removers.
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great work man!

thanks for your effort.



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  • 5 months later...
oh! btw, I forgot to mention that here, but after submitting the idea to Seb, I plan to hack a small GUI with VB6. That will be my first coding task for Jagware ;)

This is finally it, the Win32 GUI for the Jaguar Image Converter is available on the Removers web site:




Your tool seems to be nice, but I like GUI tools better...

Hope this will help you TXG/MNX! :)

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  • 9 months later...

Sorry SebRmv, here's a bug report ;)


There seems to be a problem with the dithering algorithm.

Here's the original picture :



Here's the result of tga2cry with options -binary -dither -f cry :



And here's the result of converter with options -cry --binary --no-clut --16-bits --normal --both :


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Sorry SebRmv, here's a bug report ;)


There seems to be a problem with the dithering algorithm.

Here's the original picture :



Here's the result of tga2cry with options -binary -dither -f cry :



And here's the result of converter with options -cry --binary --no-clut --16-bits --normal --both :



hop là

finally I found the bug



the new source distrib is on my website

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hop là

finally I found the bug



the new source distrib is on my website


and a new binary distrib also :)

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