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Reboot : 1 JagCD : 0

GT Turbo

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What's this score ? The Reboot team has done a new thing that will do a REVOLUTION in JagCD world, do you want to read more about this thing ? You need to wait few days..... :)


Developpers will be happy !!




GT :poulpe:


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07 March 2010


Reboot of Jagware proudly presents:


A Universal Encrypted Jaguar CD solution:








The Jaguar Universal Loading System is designed to remove the hassle & headaches from the process of creating and producing both encrypted single-load CDs and CD Images for the Atari Jaguar.


Using our Windows application you will be able to produce bootable, encrypted Jaguar CD images which can then be burned to CD-R with freely-available authoring software. This process takes around 1 minute 30 seconds from loading the application to ejecting a complete, encrypted, burned CD ready to drop in your Jaguar's CD drive.







ULS is supplied in the form of a Windows exe. With the tool you can load in a .BJL/.COF/.ABS/.RAW stored on your computer, specify the load/run addresses if required & output a DiscJuggler .CDI image, ready to burn & run on your Jaguar & JagCD. The tool will attempt to automatically detect the addresses required, but you can override these settings and supply your own when necessary.


The output CDI image is compatible with version 6 of DiscJuggler - this is freely available in a perfectly usable demo form from the Padus website: "This time-unlimited, fully-functional demo is availabe for you to download, at no cost or commitment". Visit: http://www.padus.com/downloads/demo.php


You could try converting the image to your favourite burning software format, but we do not support or endorse that. However, as long as the software supports the Jaguar disc format & modern CDI images, it should be possible.





ULS should be useful to anyone who has a need to make encrypted Jaguar CDs & doesn't wish to waste their time & money, i.e. 2x CD-R each encrypted CD produced and time editing & running batch files in order to produce the disc content. Either way, whether you're a JaguarCD user or a developer, you should find ULS takes some of the trouble out of the process & lets you get back to doing other things instead of wasting it going through the standard process.


Developers can use ULS to create bootable, encrypted CD images. These can then be burned for testing/production or used in conjuction with their favourte compatible emulator for quick testing. ULS makes the production of serialised/unique Jaguar CDs a much simpler and far more cost-effective solution for those not producing at a duplication plant (i.e. burning them to recordable media at home, one by one). This effectively makes ULS a control measure that allows the developer to trace their discs once they ship. To do this manually would require a lot of time, an unencrypted coaster produced for each sucessful disc made and that doesn't even take into consideration the possibility of human error with all the steps required to produce individual, unique discs. With ULS you simply create your .COF or .BJL etc & let the application present you with an a perfectly encrypted, bootable JaguarCD image.


Jaguar fans can take their collection of BJL games & demos & easily make encrypted, bootable CD images (as long as the developer specifically allows this - please respect the wishes of Jaguar authors & contact them if you are at all unsure). Knock up some boxes or CD inserts & you'll have yourself a nice collection for your shelf, rather than a set of binaries on a computer.





We devised & implemented a method for injecting Jaguar executables into a CD image without having it fail the hash check & without the need for a bypass cartridge. We DO NOT circumvent the protection in any way, this is simply a method of creating a valid encrypted CD image without the need for buring 2 CDs & having to build them from scratch.





You obviously cannot offer the program a .ROM or other cartridge image, that is simply not possible. There may be some larger Jaguar executables that will work with, for example, a BJL setup, but will not work with our process, however, we have not found any. It's always best to try out your image first in an emulator before burning a disc - that costs nothing but a couple of minutes of your time. This is essentially a tool for putting homebrew software onto CD with the minimum of fuss, be it your own files or those from your collection.


The produced CD will have the ULS bootsplash & Reboot warning audio track & data tracks. To obtain a version to your specifications, please contact us for details.


Reboot cannot guarantee your Jaguar files will work with our system - please take every precaution to ensure your executable will run from our produced image. If in doubt, feel free to contact us first.


Reboot accept no responsibility for any ill-consequences resulting from use of the ULS software or produced images. Use it at your own risk.


We offer this software as is, freely distributable as long as all files remain intact & contained in the original archive. This archive is not allowed to be published or made available anywhere other than where we, Reboot, allow it (for now, Jagware & AtariAge). If you would like to host the archive yourself or include it in some of your productions, it should not be a problem, we just ask that you please contact us first & we will arrange it. Thank you.

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This is just brilliant! Congratulations!

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This is just brilliant! Congratulations!

congratulations on doing this in a very professional way :)


Thanks :) We'll be making a version with a 'Jagware' boot splash that any of the Jagware groups can use. Any suggestions for the warning audio track? I don't mind making multiple Jagware versions, but if it gets to be too many it kind of defeats the point of the app, I'll be swimming in coasters again ;)

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Thanks :) We'll be making a version with a 'Jagware' boot splash that any of the Jagware groups can use. Any suggestions for the warning audio track? I don't mind making multiple Jagware versions, but if it gets to be too many it kind of defeats the point of the app, I'll be swimming in coasters again ;)


Why don't we do them one with the Jagware logo at the top, and all the individual group logos under it?

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Why don't we do them one with the Jagware logo at the top, and all the individual group logos under it?


Hmm, well, because when you make a release it's nice to have your name on & the name of your collective, but people might be confused & think the release is made by 20 people or so :) Some people read 'jagware' & to them that means one group, rather than a collective of like-minded individuals & groups who come together under the name... that's the way I see it at least :)



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Awesome news!!


Thanks to all of the Reboot members involved.


I am going to try ULS out asap.


Thanks again for more kind words. If you would be so kind as to report your findings that would be interesting, we could update the site with any info people send in such as this.


Be careful though, the JagCD is a bit twitchy with certain types & brands of recordable media. Luckily, the very nice JVC/Taiyo Yuden ones I have here seem to work very well. Even more luckily, the really dirt-cheap unbranded bought-for-pennies ones work almost as good ;) But some old blue ones I had lying around are more problematic.

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Congratulations for this awesome job ! This just works perfect on my JagCD. ;)


:D Could you send a PM with a list of things you have put on CD? Anyone else can do this, it would be interesting to find out, thanks.

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