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Another World (Out of This World)


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The Retro-gaming Connexion association and Jagware is proud to announce the upcoming release of the game Another World on Atari Jaguar console using JagtopusTM technology.

The game has been adapted by Sebastien Briais from Removers'group with the courtesy of Eric Chahi.

The RGC association is responsible for producing this game in the truest spirit of the games of the time: Cartridge with box and manual.

In order to fund the project through the various stages of manufacture the game is being offered by pre-order..
Each person who reserve a copy will receive a confirmation slip numbered by mail.

The price: 62 euros by Paypal (60 euros by check / IBAN payable to "Retro-gaming Connexion")
For when: Output of Another World is scheduled for spring 2013.
How: Contact the association by mail directly to RGC email_asso_rgc.gif


More technicals informations, screenshots and video ingame: Remover's AnotherWorld Page

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Jagtopus is cool, I also pre-ordered AW, but it's not any cheaper using Jagtopus for us Americans on this release, I payed $83 U.S., I can get new, actively published Songbird cartridges for that price.


Did the Blackout! 23 copy release use the Jagtopus? How much was that one U.S.? Orion mentions 80 Euros in the Blackout! thread, that would translate into around $100 U.S. right now., so...definately not cheaper for us Americans IF Blackout used Jagtopus. If that was a normal cartridge release at about $100 U.S., then I guess I am saving with Jagtopus at $83 U.S with AW (except for Songbird cartridges). We need a U.S. produced Jagtopus game if we are going to see better savings.

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whats sucks is the waiting. I pre-ordered a week ago, and I know the pre-order period is going on for at least another month, and then months to wait after that! I've waited enough as a Jag owner! I've been very patient for Jag game releases and delays, and lost and foudn and released 10 years later for the last 20 years! COMPLAINING! Blah, blah, blah... :angry:<_<:rolleyes::whistling::lol::lol: (chain of emotions I had in 2 minutes while typing reply)

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Jagtopus is cool, I also pre-ordered AW, but it's not any cheaper using Jagtopus for us Americans on this release, I payed $83 U.S., I can get new, actively published Songbird cartridges for that price.

But you're comparing something sold in the US to US with things sold from Europe to the US. I think to be more fair, the Songbird titles on 4mb carts are actually $80 to $90 plus shipping, in the US that will be $88 or $98 domestic delivery and $120.00 or $130.00 to European destinations. Another World is $82.something delivered the other way, so it's roughly $40 to $50 cheaper in a more direct comparison. Then again, RGC are a non-profit organisation, they only aim to break even.


Did the Blackout! 23 copy release use the Jagtopus? How much was that one U.S.?

No, Rush bought boards and eproms for both runs and did all the work himself. My cart copy of BlackOut cost $100.50 delivered US to UK.


We need a U.S. produced Jagtopus game if we are going to see better savings.

US devs using US produced carts makes the most sense, I'm sure there's stuff in the works for future releases from US devs. The only people releasing on Jagtopus for now will be the Jagware teams (and I'm not sure if Seb considers Removers as part of Jagware or not, but the relationship is the same).


whats sucks is the waiting. I pre-ordered a week ago, and I know the pre-order period is going on for at least another month, and then months to wait after that! I've waited enough as a Jag owner! I've been very patient for Jag game releases and delays, and lost and foudn and released 10 years later for the last 20 years! COMPLAINING! Blah, blah, blah... (chain of emotions I had in 2 minutes while typing reply)



When you consider the 1.5-2 month lead time on the carts themselves, it's easy to see why a few people doing this in their spare time are going to need 4 months or so to make it happen.

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I don't really know what the status of Jagware is, but we (The Removers) certainly support and help to promote the Jaguar platform. In that sense, we are part of Jagware.


Individually, I am grateful to Jagware members who helped me in the discovery and understanding of the Jaguar platform. And I am happy to visit Jagware forums as there are lots of useful and relevant information.


Gunstar, I understand your criticisms regarding the price of Another World release.

Thanks to the RGC, the price is only 60€. This is not cheap, but this is not unreasonable.

If I had to publish the game on my own (ie creating my own company especially for that purpose), the price would have been not less than 80€ because of taxes.

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I don't really know what the status of Jagware is, but we (The Removers) certainly support and help to promote the Jaguar platform. In that sense, we are part of Jagware.


Individually, I am grateful to Jagware members who helped me in the discovery and understanding of the Jaguar platform. And I am happy to visit Jagware forums as there are lots of useful and relevant information.


Gunstar, I understand your criticisms regarding the price of Another World release.

Thanks to the RGC, the price is only 60€. This is not cheap, but this is not unreasonable.

If I had to publish the game on my own (ie creating my own company especially for that purpose), the price would have been not less than 80€ because of taxes.


If I felt the price was unreasonable, i would'nt have pre-ordered a copy, just stating that while it may be cheaper over there for Jagtopus games, it's not any cheaper over here for them. BUT, it could be much more for me if they weren't using the Jagtopus!

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Some little infos about this great game :


Pre order webpage (With some infos )



Sebrmv email adress (mainly for technical infos about the game )


sebrmv --at-- jagware --dot-- org


all others questions can be send here :


anotherworld --at-- jagware --dot-- org.



GT :poulpexmas:



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  • 3 weeks later...


WTF ?!?


What do you get for 10€? A poster with a list of games?



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Coming from the RGC team :


Hi all,


since December 18, 2012, you trust us for publishing project of Another World on Jaguar.


Friday, February 8th, we removed the Paypal button on the web page pre-order as we were at the limit of stock forecasting. Therefore, please make your request by e-mail, you will be placed on a waiting list for this series. Depending on availability of cartridges, you will probably lucky to have a copy. You pay yours when we contact you to June 2013.


For a second series cartridge Another World, we do not confirm anything yet. The waiting list will give us an idea of the number of requests. Do not be tempted by copies "sold at exorbitant prices" from the first reception from 2013. Put all your chances with the waiting list and get a reissue if applications are sufficient.


We also remind you that we will not make price "big" because i his is a pre-order for reaping the background.


We are reachable on our forum and email.


Thank you for your understanding and the trust you place in us.


GT :poulpe:

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  • 1 month later...

The product as begin !





That's it! Production boxes Another World is finally underway. A majority has already been mounted, the evidence with some pictures. You can also see the labels for the cartridges. "


As for the cartridges, the command shells + screws + "inserts" cardboard is completed, one for the circuit boards (PCB) is currently:

- The shells are from the developer Jaguar in Paris.

- PCBs require a little more time to the supplier, we will keep you informed.

- The manual is nearing completion and translation will be sent shortly to the printer.


For more information, boxes and manuals are printed in France. The hulls were ordered to USA and PCBs come from Germany.


We will keep you informed on the cutout advanced production.


If you are interested in the project, know that pre-orders are closed. But a waiting list is open. Do not hesitate to send us an email to register.


The RGC team

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone,


Just a message to tell you more informations about:


- AtariAge http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/20666...guar-pre-order/

- Jagware http://www.jagware.org/index.php?showtopic...amp;#entry15857


The forum RGC association is the official one: http://www.yaronet.com/posts.php?s=153060


We started to send your orders, all is done progressively and we take care to make good.

People who took a shipment tracking (R2), will receive a scan of the newsletter and the website link to track the shipment.


Some people have to confirm their mailing address and shipping method that they choose.


However, some people do not respond / or email became disabled / or our email fell into spam box / or maybe there were a technical problem with the sending or the receiving email.


If you have not been contacted by us to confirm your mailing address and the type of dispatch (normal = free / shipment tracking = extra fees).

You will have more informations on our last communication text: http://www.yaronet.com/posts.php?s=153060


Please send us again your first name, last name, mailing address, your preorder number and your payment method. Contact us: email_asso_rgc.gif


Thank you everybody for your patience and your support.



Odie_one, from RGC association.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No more limited edition !!!


Some people are yet selling their Another World on the bay, not fair play guy......



Just for info Jagware don't sponsorise this kind of thing, be sure.


I have asked Odie One, a second run can be aimed, so all people who aren't on the waiting list and wanted an Another World copy, please contact the RGC team : Contact RGC




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  • 2 years later...

La production et la distribution d'Another World sur Jaguar est terminée. Merci à toutes les personnes qui nous ont fait confiance pour ce projet ambitieux.
Nous remercions encore Eric Chahi pour son aimable autorisation, ainsi que Sébastien Briais pour son travail de conversion sur Jaguar et de flashage des cartouches.






The production and distribution of Another World on Jaguar is over. Thank you to all who have trusted us for this ambitious project.
We thank Eric Chahi for his courtesy and Sébastien Briais for its conversion work on Jaguar and flash cartridges.

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