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News from the Oric Scene


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Hello everyone :)


Just a single thread from a thing that is far away from the Atari devices (apart from the 6502 that we can find on the Lynx.. :D) there are, like on the Jag, some activity on the Oric computer, and some really funny one, I will try to add some funny demo/news made on that platform here, I promise I will not post about that too often, but the latest "demo" on the Oric hardware is worth the see! Really!



So _DBug_ (also working in the Atari Demo Scene, but not to be confused with another DBug in the Atari scene (yeah.. :D) have made a demo during the Solskogen 2016 party. A demo that somewhat run on the Oric, but.. The real beast was the Oric MCP40!


A printer that used the same plotter mecanical part as some Atari, Comodore and other device in the era.


Here is a video of the "demo":



More on pouet: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=67787

And the original discussion topic on DefenseForce: http://forum.defence-force.org/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1356


This guy is crazy and the author of most current Oric Demos. (and made a few Atari ST demos: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=66703and http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=54106, I know there are some other demo he participated but he is not necessarily listed on Pouet )

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