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[Jagware/Yaronet/AtariAge Contest] Receive the game "Do The Same" for the Atari Jaguar CD, free of charge.


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30 copies available !!!!


Since these forums are being visited at various hours by various persons from various countries, here is a system to make it fair for everyone...


* How to participate ?


You just have to send a postcard (a landscape of your region for example) to the following address:

Matthieu Barreteau

24, Allée de la prairie

49220 Montreuil on Maine



You have to specify your username as well as your forum (example: Matmook/Jagware or Matmook/Yaronet or Matmook/AtariAge), and maybe write a few words.

Only one postcard per person please!


You have 3 weeks to send your postcard.


* How will the winners be chosen ?


It is very simple, my children shall choose 10 postcards (so no adult pictures please !) from each of those 3 forums (Jagware, Yaronet and AtariAge). The winners will be contacted by private message to receive their copy of the game.


Postcards will be scanned and put on the "Do The Same" website.


Good luck!


The "Do The Same" team.


[Donate for children]


"Do The Same" team supports the French association "Un jeu d'enfant" (http://un.jeu.denfant.free.fr/test/index.html), which aims to provide video games and consoles to hospitalized children.

What ?! You still have some money after the non-purchase of Do The Same... no problem, donate :-) (do not forget to specify your real name, you never can tell).


For any transfer/payment, here is the banking address and phone number of the association:


Association Un jeu d'enfant

societe generale

banque 30003

guichet 01425

compte 00037283187

clé 83


COMPTE IBAN FR76 30003 01425 00037283187 83



Don't hesitate to contact us for more information!




The RGC association (http://www.retro-gc.org) is responsible for the packaging of this CD (printing/burning/...) and the shipping costs.

Thanks to the RGC for allowing the distribution of this game!



Thanks to everyone involved in the creation of this game :

* Code: Matmook

* Additional code : GT_Turbo

* Graphs: Bear

* Level creation : Fredifredo, Odie_One

* Music: Scrat, Clawz

* DSP Replay : SebRMV

* CD Creation : Fredifredo

* Cover Graphics : Pippin

* German Translation: Atari-Fan

* CD Packaging: RGC TEAM

* Creation of the ROM for Skunk: SebRMV and Matthias Domins's tools

* Online score system : based on Orion_'s one

* Beta-tester: Anneso, Atari-fan, Fredifredo, Doctor Clu, Krupkaj, Nonner242, Odie_One, PMData, Vimaster

* Last but not least, all the rest of the JAGWARE TEAM!


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  • 2 weeks later...

The last postcard received today by Ovalbugmann/Jagware today ! :lol:


The contest is now over !


I've received less than 30 postcard so everyone win !! :lol:


So what is going to happen now ?

- All those marvelous postcard are now scanned and displayed on the "Do The Same" website !

- I'm going to contact all winner for their postal address

- The remaining games will probably be sold on eBay and the money will go to the French association for hospitalized children ("Un jeu d'enfant" : More information here !) !


Thanks to everyone who participate to this Contest ! :yes:


The "Do The Same" Team !


See you with another game ;)

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WhooHoo! I have WON a JaguarCD game! Thanks Matmook! - I have responded to your PM with my mailing postal address.


Stay Jaguar Matmook!


Viva le France!

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  • 2 weeks later...

And I too have now received my, Do The Same, Official version ;) CD & jewel case in the mail yesterday! Thanks again Matmook and everyone involved! :) Like the manual also. :)

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