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A.c. Is Near !! The French Atari Party :)

GT Turbo

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The AC 2008 will take place the week-end of the 19th and 20th April


The 100 % atarian French convention, will take place as usual in the small town of Congis sous Thérouanne, in the near from Paris. Take note of this date!


Like always, this edition will be under the sign of cosiness, relationship between, coder collectors, gamers. The Atari scene is still alive and dozens news productions sold every year. Come and test them or if you want just to discover again the game you have played during your childhood.


Travel information will be announced very soon.


If you wish to come to the AC2008 do not hesitate to contact Arethius


With best regards


The Retro-Gaming Connexion Team


About the AC:

Launched on 2002 under the name Jaguar Connexion, the convention only gathered a few atarians. Five conventions later, the Jaguar Connexion changes names in AC Connexion, in under to concentrate on the Atari Brand.


About the Retro-Gaming Connexion association.

Association under the law 1901, created in 2005 by 6 video games fans from different origins (journalist, multimedia animateur, swimming pool technician…), this association aim to set up conventions in order to gather the gamer in a unique atmosphere. It begun with the Jaguar Connexion which became shortly a reference in France, after 5 editions it was time to move on. Now the Retro Gaming connexion organises two conventions per year :

- The Retro Gaming Connexion : for all gaming systems

- The AC : For all the Atari gaming systems

If you wish to have further information on the activities of the Retro Gaming Connexion do not hesitate to contact us.


The Retro-Gaming Connexion association official web site:



The RGC association forum :



The Atari forum of the event :




Contact :


0033 6 12 52 83 16

Mail : email_asso_rgc.gif


But if you have questions, you can ask here :)

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