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Midimaze For The Jag ?


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  • 4 years later...


Check this out midimaze clone source code in C for pc and tos systems. Would be nice to see a quickport of this to the JAG B)


OHho thanks many many great thanks


Shiney. I never played the original, so tell me, could the gameplay work with a dungeon-master style of fake-3D interface?


If so, it could work well as a Jaguar/Lynx cross-platform game.

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Check this out midimaze clone source code in C for pc and tos systems. Would be nice to see a quickport of this to the JAG B)


OHho thanks many many great thanks


Shiney. I never played the original, so tell me, could the gameplay work with a dungeon-master style of fake-3D interface?


If so, it could work well as a Jaguar/Lynx cross-platform game.

Put it this way; the Atari 8-bit has MidiMaze and can be connected to play multi-player with the 16-bit ST, so I think the Jaguar could handle it, and the Lynx for that matter, the lynx connected to other lynx's and the Atari 8/16/32/64-bit machines can connect to and amongst each other. And, the graphic movement is far better on existing versions than Dungeon-master style 3D, they are fluidly moving games.


8-bit midi-maze: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZouboBEULS8


ST Midi-maze:


Gameboy Faceball/midi-maze: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZouboBEULS8



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