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So It's Time To Go To Heaven !!

GT Turbo

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What's this title ?


It's simple now we will give the last option of the JagCF which is simply a New 96 Mhz DSP !!


Yes, a new DSP running at 96 Mhz, SCPCD and Zerosquare do it !! Featuring a lot of new powerfull instructions.


So the JagCF is a :


- CF adapter

- Two PS2 connectors (for keyboard and mouse)

- 16 Megs of SDRAM

- streaming possibilities

- new UART

- 96 Mhz DSP


That's why the Atari Connexion visitors have seen this week end. Some people have asked about running programms from JagCF, do you want to see Native running from the JagCF ? Do you want to see video streaming ? If yes, look that :




(French text, but you don't need them, just look the JagCF presentation)


Thanks to Orion and MK for this video.


That's hot, when i have seen the streamed video, i think it was a joke but it's not a joke :blink:


If you think running Native in 2 seconds is a good speed, you have never seen it runned from a CF, less than 2 seconds :blink:


That kick ass !!


I will personnaly want to greets SCPCD and Zerosquare for their beautiful work !! And another beautiful thing, Zerosquare has done a new ZeroBox, called ZeroBox II i don't know if it's the real name, but the thing you have to know, this adapter allows you to use Playstation 2 Pad and DancePad on Jaguar :) Yes this week at the Atari Connexion we have played to Jag Jag Revolution, a new game like Dance Dance Revolution but on Jaguar with a Play 2 dancePad (Orion One ;) ). When Odie_One (Retro Gaming Connexion team) can give the video, you will see dance specialists :lol:


Yes a very beautiful week end for Jaguar owners, some very very great news !!! Hope the community will enjoy all this great news, because the JagCF is here !! And never forget it :)


We will give others videos and photos during the week, so let's have a look during the next days on Jagware board !! And some others news !!


Stay cool, Stay Atari !! Atari rules !!



GT :poulpe:

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So when is the CF estimated to ship? Will it run ROM images or not? Price?


I see various games in the video.


Any specifics on these? Noticed a racing game. Saw a light gun based game, but wasn't sure if that was Jag or some other console.


What games were announced, demoed? Are they all CF only or CD also?


Thanks for the info!

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So when is the CF estimated to ship? Will it run ROM images or not? Price?


I see various games in the video.


Any specifics on these? Noticed a racing game. Saw a light gun based game, but wasn't sure if that was Jag or some other console.


What games were announced, demoed? Are they all CF only or CD also?


Thanks for the info!



Hi Belboz,


If you talk about the great car you can see on dashboard, it's a streamed video ;) We will give more infos a little bit later, and some details about the JagCF, the ZeroBox 2 and about all things about Atari Connexion party.




GT :poulpe:

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Hi !


So when is the CF estimated to ship?

The shiped date is not available but one thing is sure : this is for this year.

Will it run ROM images or not?

For this, I will see later on, because it's not the priority, I have more important things to work on, and both solution : allow or disallow cartridge "emulation" will take very little time for me.


The price is not yet available, but will be soon (I hope in 4-5 month for the first production)

I (and Zerosquare) work on tools for developers, on documentations, exemples and also we organize everythings for the production.



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I can say CF Only ;)

because most of us don't have a JagCD (it's rare and expensive)

and can't say a release date when the release of the JagCF is not yet known, because we need the CF to continue the game development ^^

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I can say CF Only ;)

because most of us don't have a JagCD (it's rare and expensive)

and can't say a release date when the release of the JagCF is not yet known, because we need the CF to continue the game development ^^


Orion is right, i don't know if anyone here want to do CD games, because it was more easy and more cheaper to do CF Games and only one or two members got a JagCD.


Project Apocalypse will be JagCF only, that sure.



GT :poulpe:

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Hi folks!


All I can say is, you guys RULE! It sounds most amazing!

If this baby gets the support it deserves and if it proves to be as powerful and great as it sounds (which I hope :) ) it will be THE greattest addon for the jag ever and the best thing that could happen to the jag.


I wanted to make Eerievale a CF title. Now all I need is to get my hands on the CF cart and some good librarys and I'm a LOT closer to a Jag version than it ever was while working with CDs.


So now that we talk about it, how far are libs and examples in development? and when will the cart be available and for how much? So many questions, so much excitement. :)


Another question, what DSP is it exactly? Is there any chance that there is a good C compiler for it maybe? I'm sure that would encourage many new developers who are still afraid of too much asm ;-)


Regards, Lars.

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Hi folks!


All I can say is, you guys RULE! It sounds most amazing!

If this baby gets the support it deserves and if it proves to be as powerful and great as it sounds (which I hope :) ) it will be THE greattest addon for the jag ever and the best thing that could happen to the jag.


I wanted to make Eerievale a CF title. Now all I need is to get my hands on the CF cart and some good librarys and I'm a LOT closer to a Jag version than it ever was while working with CDs.


So now that we talk about it, how far are libs and examples in development? and when will the cart be available and for how much? So many questions, so much excitement. :)


Another question, what DSP is it exactly? Is there any chance that there is a good C compiler for it maybe? I'm sure that would encourage many new developers who are still afraid of too much asm ;-)


Regards, Lars.


SCPCD and Zerosquare will give all things for working with, i have look a little bit on file system, that nearly easy like on an Atari ST :yes:


About using a good C Compiler, i think it will be impossible i can't give some explanations at this moment, SCPCD perhaps will give infos about that. But i think some coders perhaps can write some special routines that can be used for C developpers. (Seb i don't think too you :D )


GT :)

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- CF adapter

- Two PS2 connectors (for keyboard and mouse)

- 16 Megs of SDRAM

- streaming possibilities

- new UART

- 96 Mhz DSP

Don't forget the multiplayer network support ;)


this adapter allows you to use Playstation 2 Pad and DancePad on Jaguar :)
It's actually intended for PS1 devices. PS2 devices may or may not work, I've not studied this extensively.


Was there any info or announcement on the Catnip adaptor?
I had to put this project on hold temporarily for personal reasons, but it's not cancelled.


Hi folks!


All I can say is, you guys RULE! It sounds most amazing!

Thanks :)


So now that we talk about it, how far are libs and examples in development?
The basic features of the filesystem (open(), seek(), read(), write()...) are done, and they were used extensively in the demo.


Another question, what DSP is it exactly? Is there any chance that there is a good C compiler for it maybe?
The DSP is a custom core designed by SCPCD, using ideas from several sources (the Jag's GPU, Motorola 56K, Intel's MMX instruction set...). Unlike GT Turbo, I think it's reasonable to expect a C compiler for it, we just need someone to write one ;)
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Will it have its own RAM and/or access Jag Ram?

The DSP have is own RAM and can execute code from the JagCF SDRAM (he have an instruction cache).

It's impossible for external processor or others to access the jag internal ram as master.

How will the BUS be arbitrated... I'm not seeing how this works... can you elaborate?

There is a bus controller into the jagcf and two internal bus : one intended for configuration or slow peripheral, and the other for high speed data rate (SDRAM access, DMAs...)

The priority is for the Jag because it's impossible to add wait states on jag cartridge port (the wait pin on the cartridge port don't work correctly). But I have designed and optimised the jagcf bus controller to lost the less time possible on the jagcf bus. So a jag access take only about 4ticks @96MHz.

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The DSP is a custom core designed by SCPCD, using ideas from several sources (the Jag's GPU, Motorola 56K, Intel's MMX instruction set...). Unlike GT Turbo, I think it's reasonable to expect a C compiler for it, we just need someone to write one ;)


Writing a C compiler from scratch is a huge amount of work. The parser itself is far from trivial to write. But we can probably make a compiler for a subset of C.

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secondly is there a special developers version of the jagcf?
The first 20 copies of the JagCF will be reserved for developers ; they will be released earlier than those intended for the public.


However, the hardware, documentation and tools will be the same for both releases (except if problems are discovered in the first release) ; all JagCFs will be usable for developement.


I'll let SCPCD answer the other questions.

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The first 20 copies of the JagCF will be reserved for developers ; they will be released earlier than those intended for the public.


However, the hardware, documentation and tools will be the same for both releases (except if problems are discovered in the first release) ; all JagCFs will be usable for developement.


I'll let SCPCD answer the other questions.


Will there be list to signin to be able register for a first developers version?

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How many cycles per DSP instruction?

one (but it's like on the gpu/dsp of the jaguar, you know pipeline ..)


what will the price for the final jagcf be ?

we don't know, SCPCD didn't ask for an Estimate at the company who will make the cf, because the final version of the cf is still not finished.


Will there be list to signin to be able register for a first developers version?

there will be limited registering with already reserved places ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
one (but it's like on the gpu/dsp of the jaguar, you know pipeline ..)


One but you must know two things, some instructions do a lot of things in one cycle, perhaps you will find instructions who can do 4 multiplications in one cycle.. and second thing you can write until 16 megabytes of DSP code and running at full speed :blink:


That means 96 Mips in normal coding and using some special instructions can multiply by 2, 3, or more the speed, imagine 96*2 O_O mips !!! Or even more, now it's to you to do play ;)



GT :wub: JagCF

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OK I'm still a little confused though, basedon some of the discussins on AA.


Is this processor intended to work in tandem with the Jag's own procesors? or be used instead of them... with the Jaguar being used as basically I/O for it?

The JagCF DSP is designed to relieve the jaguar for hard and difficult work and also for CF management (multistreaming with very high speed data rate for exemple).

It is not designed to replace the jaguar's own processors.

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