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How GPIO's are working


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I'am trying to understand HOW EXACTLY GPIO's in jaguar are working.

Let's take first example, eeprom access code developed by Atari. Take look at the last section:


JOY1		equ	$f14000		;this we'll use as our I/O base address
GPIO_0		equ	$f14800		;General purpose I/O #0
GPIO_1		equ	$f15000		;General purpose I/O #1
;   Equates derived from the above
;    to allow indirect with 16-bit displacement addressing
GPIO_0of	equ	GPIO_0-JOY1	;offset to GPIO_0 (when addr reg Ax -> JOY1) 
GPIO_1of	equ	GPIO_1-JOY1	;offset to GPIO_1 (when addr reg Ax -> JOY1) 
; entry:
;  a0 -> JOY1
;  d2.w = 9-bit command to write
	rol.w	#8,d2		;align 1st serial data bit (bit8) to bit0
	moveq	#8,d3		;send 9
	move.w	d2,GPIO_0of(a0)		;write next bit
	nop			;delay next write
	rol.w	#1,d2		;adjust bit0 for next datum
	dbra	d3,out9lp	;go for all 9 or all 16


this line:

	move.w	d2,GPIO_0of(a0)		;write next bit

asserts clock signal line (GPIO0) and set D0 data line.

I'm wondering how the Clock signal is deasserted ?


Another example form same code, asserting /CS line (GPIO1):

	tst.w	GPIO_1of(a0)	;strobe ChipSelect

How it is deasserted ?


Seems like I missed something??

Hope somebody can help with understanding that.


Best Regards



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