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Posts posted by Fadest

  1. Who cares ? A silent game is a really elegant solution :D

    (do not care, this is a very old private joke between former french Lynx homebrewers and former Jagware guys ;))


    Which kind of mini-games do you think of ? Really small levels like a Wario Ware or Hot Pixel (for PSP) - ie, only a few second to understand what to do and do it, or more consequent ones ?


    I guess that integration of games made in ASM or C is not a problem for you ?


    Edit : if poulpes are involded in gaphs, I guess that I would be interested (as long as smashing poulpes is not forbidden of course) :D

  2. Pour en revenir à another world, j’ avais vu il y a longtemps un makking of, et ce qui me reste en mémoire, c’ est le principe de graphismes vectoriels, qui permettaient de restreindre les dépenses en ressources mémoire. Un tel système ne s’ est pas revu depuis flashback (si je ne m’ abuse). Pourquoi ne pas s’ en servir sur jaguar, ou même l’ améliorer? Another world tenait sur 2 disquettes et tourner sur des machines moins puissantes, avec un même traité, on pourrait peut-être gagner en détails?

    Quelque part, beaucoup de jeux 2D actuels (bon, depuis la Dreamcast disons) sont en fait des jeux 3D sur un seul plan car les machines sont plus adaptées à faire des objets 3D plats avec texture que de la vraie 2D, en plus ça permet quelques effets sympa. Ikaruga par exemple mais plein d'autres (SF4, ...)


    Sinon, et là, la question est plus pour seb, vu ue AW est basé sur un langage de script, ça voudrait dire qu'il serait possible de réutiliser le moteur que tu as porté, e définir de nouveaux modèles vectoriel, d'écrire de nouveaux scripts et de faire donc un nouveau jeu (pas forcément dans le style AW d'ailleurs) ? au cas ou ce soit techniquement envisageable, tu penses que ça poserait des problèmes vis à vis d'Eric Chahi ?

  3. Some people bought a or made a rotary, essentially to play with Tempest 2K hidden mode, because few games can use it.

    But managing rotary is really easy. Let's have a look on theory :

    7.2    Example digital paddle code
    A digital paddle is read in exactly the same way as a joypad, it is simply the interpretation that is different. In order to read a digital paddle, you will also need some kind of "memory element" - for example a static variable called last_position. Essentially the paddle will give out the following sequences:
    - LEFT, NONE, RIGHT, LEFT... for anticlockwise
    - RIGHT, NONE, LEFT, RIGHT... for clockwise
    As a programmer you simply need to know the last position the paddle was in. If it is the same as the current one, the paddle has not been turned, otherwise you can determine which direction it was turned in from the information above. For example if the last position was with "LEFT" apparently pressed, then if the current position is also LEFT, the paddle has not moved. If the current position is RIGHT, the paddle has been moved clockwise. If there are NONE depressed (i.e. neither left nor right), then the paddle has been moved anticlockwise.
    Get it?

    Source : http://www.gamesx.com/controldata/ejp_faq.htm


    So basically, we only need to check current pad status, and keep a trace of old pad status.

    Here is a simple implementation or management routine in C, with Removers library (in detailled algorithmic/basic style to remains readable)


    int old_dataJoypad;    // needed for memory : 0 = none / 1 = left / 2 = right
    void rotary()
    unsigned long dataJoypad;
        read_joypad_state(joypads);    // get state of every jagpads
        dataJoypad = joypads->j1;    // we only manage jagpad 1 for this demonstration routine
        if (dataJoypad & JOYPAD_LEFT)
            if (old_dataJoypad == 2) 
                // do whatever you need to move anticlockwise
            else if (old_dataJoypad == 0) 
                // do whatever you need to move clockwise
            old_dataJoypad = 1;
        else if (dataJoypad & JOYPAD_RIGHT)
            if (old_dataJoypad == 1) 
                // do whatever you need to move clockwise
            else if (old_dataJoypad == 0) 
                // do whatever you need to move anticlockwise
            old_dataJoypad = 2;
            if (old_dataJoypad == 1) 
                // do whatever you need to move anticlockwise
            else if (old_dataJoypad == 2) 
                // do whatever you need to move clockwise
            old_dataJoypad = 0;


    You will soon notice that if you call this routine only once in a VBL, it won't work as expected.

    This is because the rotary is far more sensible than 50 or 60hz. So between 2 read, you may miss some positions (remember this visual illusion how sometimes wheels seems to turn anticlockwise on TV ? same here).

    So we need to put the call of rotary() subroutine into an interruption.


    // First, interrupts must be initialized via call of function. Basically, put this call in main()
    // Then, somewhere when we want interrupt to start, we need to use the set_timer firunction, in order to program an automatic call of rotary() :
    set_timer(200<<16 | 360,rotary);


    Just have a look here if you want more explanation on set_timer() :


    Basically, first parameter set interruption timer, second is the name of the function to be called.

    The parameters I used are empiric, you'd better read explanation in order to calculate which one fit the best to your needs.


    As you can see, managing rotary on Jaguar is really easy (this applies also to STE & Falcon of course).

  4. I will come back lacter with Market explanation, as it is not implemented yet.

    So let's jump directly to last action


    Action 7/ Prospection

    This action is very simple, you get 1 free material.

    The choice will depend on your probabilities of finding each material, if you have a look at bottom of build list, you will notice that some builds affect these probabilities (it is also used for terraforming, it affects which kind of material the planet will produce)

    This action is different from the other, because it does not affect other player, and give no extra bonus.

    Or you may consider it a wait move : do nothing (everyone) and give 1 material as bonus (player who chosed this action).

    This kind action exist in Puerto Rico, only when number of player is sufficient (but Puerto Rico does not have same role selection mechanism if you look closely at the first posts, so this action is only to allways give last player a choice between a standard role and get 1 bonus for himself only)

    This may be useful when you need an extra material and don't want to chose explore to go back on a asteroid or production, because this would imply to let opponent explore and produce (or maybe, you expect your opponent to chose explore & production and want another material, but be careful, if everyone act like you....)

  5. Note : in Research screen, Terroforming option have been removed and mix in Explore, in order to share the range characteristic.


    Action 5/ Build


    No screenshot yet


    Building is the heart of the game. It will allow you to get larger exploration area, terraforming capacity and improve it, increase production process.

    In order to build,you will need to have the minimum XP points spent in research areas, and it will cost some materials.


    Here is the work in progress list of build options, with name, experience required, cost needed and desciption of bonus.


    Sparrow decenium

    Range=2 Efficiency=0 Length=0

    Hg=5 Pl=0 Xe=0 Au=0

    Add 1 range


    Sparrow centenium

    Range=5 Efficiency=5 Length=0

    Hg=10 Pl=0 Xe=0 Au=0

    Add 2 range


    Sparrow millenium

    Range=2 Efficiency=3 Length=3

    Hg=10 Pl=0 Xe=0 Au=0

    Allow terraforming

    Terraforming delay - 1


    Falcon decenium

    Range=3 Efficiency=1 Length=0

    Hg=3 Pl=2 Xe=0 Au=0

    Add 1 range


    Falcon centenium

    Range=5 Efficiency=5 Length=0

    Hg=6 Pl=2 Xe=1 Au=1

    Add 2 range


    Falcon millenium

    Range=2 Efficiency=3 Length=3

    Hg=5 Pl=3 Xe=0 Au=0

    Allow terraforming

    Terraforming delay - 1


    Eagle decenium

    Range=4 Efficiency=3 Length=0

    Hg=4 Pl=3 Xe=2 Au=2

    Add 2 range


    Eagle centenium

    Range=6 Efficiency=5 Length=0

    Hg=3 Pl=3 Xe=3 Au=3

    Add 4 range


    Eagle millenium

    Range=3 Efficiency=3 Length=5

    Hg=4 Pl=3 Xe=2 Au=2

    Allow terraforming

    Terraforming delay - 2


    Phoenix decenium

    Range=5 Efficiency=5 Length=0

    Hg=2 Pl=2 Xe=2 Au=2

    Allow to take 1 ressource to

    opponent during Explore phase


    Phoenix centenium

    Range=5 Efficiency=7 Length=7

    Hg=2 Pl=2 Xe=2 Au=2

    Unterraform a planet during

    Terraforming phase // 1 use only


    Phoenix millenium

    Range=9 Efficiency=9 Length=9

    Hg=10 Pl=10 Xe=10 Au=10

    Explore range = max

    Terraforming delay = min


    Goose decenium

    Range=2 Efficiency=3 Length=0

    Hg=5 Pl=0 Xe=0 Au=0

    Give 1 exp bonus

    at each exploration


    Goose centenium

    Range=3 Efficiency=5 Length=0

    Hg=5 Pl=2 Xe=0 Au=0

    Give 2 exp bonus

    at each exploration


    Goose millenium

    Range=3 Efficiency=5 Length=0

    Hg=2 Pl=2 Xe=2 Au=2

    Give 1 exp bonus

    at each asteroid discover


    Duck decenium

    Range=3 Efficiency=3 Length=0

    Hg=0 Pl=5 Xe=2 Au=2

    Give 1 exp bonus

    at each planet discover


    Duck centenium

    Range=2 Efficiency=3 Length=3

    Hg=3 Pl=3 Xe=1 Au=1

    Give 2 exp bonus

    at each terraforming


    Duck millenium

    Range=2 Efficiency=5 Length=5

    Hg=3 Pl=3 Xe=1 Au=1

    Give 4 exp bonus

    at each terraforming


    Cow generator


    Hg=3 Pl=0 Xe=0 Au=0

    Add 1 Hg

    to production capacity


    Blondie generator


    Hg=3 Pl=2 Xe=0 Au=0

    Add 1 Pl

    to production capacity


    R2X1 automate


    Hg=0 Pl=1 Xe=0 Au=0

    Give 1 exp bonus

    at each production


    Squirrel generator


    Hg=3 Pl=3 Xe=2 Au=2

    Add 1 Xe

    to production capacity


    Jack potential


    Hg=5 Pl=5 Xe=5 Au=5

    Double production


    R2X2 automate


    Hg=0 Pl=0 Xe=2 Au=2

    Give 2 exp bonus

    at each production


    Gold generator


    Hg=3 Pl=3 Xe=3 Au=3

    Add 1 Au

    to production capacity


    Megajack potential


    Hg=10 Pl=10 Xe=10 Au=10

    Double production


    R2X3 automate


    Hg=0 Pl=0 Xe=3 Au=3

    Give 3 exp bonus

    at each production


    Hippie Pourrah


    Hg=20 Pl=20 Xe=20 Au=20

    Double production


    Hydrogen Market


    Hg=5 Pl=0 Xe=0 Au=0

    Exchange rate

    Hydrogen 3:1


    Platinium Market


    Hg=3 Pl=2 Xe=0 Au=0

    Exchange rate

    Platinium 3:1


    Xerium Market


    Hg=3 Pl=0 Xe=2 Au=2

    Exchange rate

    Xerium 3:1


    Super Market


    Hg=2 Pl=2 Xe=2 Au=2

    Exchange rate

    all 3:1




    Hg=8 Pl=0 Xe=0 Au=0

    Exchange rate

    Hydrogen 2:1




    Hg=4 Pl=3 Xe=0 Au=0

    Exchange rate

    Platinium 2:1




    Hg=4 Pl=0 Xe=3 Au=3

    Exchange rate

    Xerium 2:1


    Hyper Market


    Hg=3 Pl=3 Xe=3 Au=3

    Exchange rate

    all 2:1


    Tera Market


    Hg=3 Pl=3 Xe=3 Au=3

    Exchange rate

    all 2:1




    Hg=5 Pl=5 Xe=5 Au=5

    Exchange rate

    all 1:1


    Platinium detector

    Platinium=1 Xerium=0 Gold=0

    Hg=4 Pl=0 Xe=0 Au=0

    Increase Platinium



    Platinium sniffer

    Platinium=3 Xerium=0 Gold=0

    Hg=3 Pl=2 Xe=0 Au=0

    Increase Platinium



    Platinium extractor

    Platinium=7 Xerium=0 Gold=0

    Hg=3 Pl=5 Xe=1 Au=1

    Increase Platinium




    Platinium=10 Xerium=0 Gold=0

    Hg=3 Pl=5 Xe=3 Au=3

    Increase Platinium



    Xerium detector

    Platinium=0 Xerium=2 Gold=0

    Hg=6 Pl=0 Xe=0 Au=0

    Increase Xerium



    Xerium sniffer

    Platinium=0 Xerium=4 Gold=0

    Hg=3 Pl=2 Xe=1 Au=1

    Increase Xerium



    Xerium extractor

    Platinium=0 Xerium=8 Gold=0

    Hg=3 Pl=1 Xe=3 Au=3

    Increase Xerium




    Platinium=0 Xerium=10 Gold=0

    Hg=3 Pl=3 Xe=5 Au=5

    Increase Xerium



    Golden eye

    Platinium=0 Xerium=0 Gold=5

    Hg=10 Pl=5 Xe=0 Au=0

    Increase Gold



    Gold finder

    Platinium=0 Xerium=0 Gold=10

    Hg=10 Pl=10 Xe=5 Au=5

    Increase Gold


  6. Hi,


    I think everyone can understand that jag community can be very depressive from time to time ;)

    But we should remember that we are all here for the fun and love of the jag,

    Everyone needs to take a breathe sometime, do something else, change priorities, and come back later with more motivation. I personnaly take short or long period without any coding, stepping outside the community just to come back stronger.


    I'm glad to see you are not leaving,

    I was curious for ages to learn something about your project, but today, with this picture, you made a great teaser, voxel and 3D polygons, and rumors speaking of an adventure-RPGisg style of game ? This sounds really promising... but also a hard and long road.


  7. I'm really sorry to hear that demotivation (let's stay politically correct, also my englick vocabulary lacks certains expression I guess :D) has won.

    I hope you will enjoy your next adventure, whatever it will be, and who knows..., once you have been bitten by the Jag, you can't live forever away of it :D


    I should add unfortunately, concerning certain guys :roll:

  8. Great video !


    It's nice to see this kind of effort in homebrew world, let's hope it will help other developper to make new games. Thanks you very much !


  9. In fact, the last "screenshot" was just a tentative concept artwork.

    But I do not have graphics skill nor time to convert it into sprites and integrate it into game.

    The game have not been significantly changed since last RGC, I am still looking for a good idea for graphics representation that I could do myself, but have no real idea.

    This is a kind of background running process :D When I will be ready, I hope to restart it and add into code some ideas I have.

  10. Au début, pour la mienne, je pensais au milieu de la nuit. Juste avant que tu n'ailles te coucher et couper les lumière, j'avais cru te voir mitrailler les limaces et les zombies, mais vu que GT est au premier plan, je me suis dit que ce ne devais pas être au milieu de la nuit finalement :D

  11. As it seems no graphist artist is available right now, I was looking at Reiner's tileset free graphs : http://reinerstileset.4players.de/englisch.html in order to find some ideas.

    There tons of sprites and element, mostly for RPG games.


    I quickly built a sample with some of them in order to try what Project W should look.

    What do you think of this kind of look ?



    The idea is to have a medieval look (battlefield with grass, probably less uniform, stone walls...), a small perspective..

    Of course, this is just a draft.


    Any comments ?

  12. Action 4/ Research


    This is where you will spend your experience points hardly awarded for exploration



    There are 5 different technologies in which you may want to spend XP points :







    In each of these technologies, there are different characteristics (Range, Efficiency..).

    The main goal of reserch is to spend enough XP points in order to unlock new build options.

    Depending on technology you will choose, you will have different build options and different way to play/win.

    Will you choose to explore wide space or optimise your productions ?


    The bonus for choosing Research option is 1 free XP point.



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